Mother Nature has blessed humans with a range of health-promoting ingredients. Shilajit is one such herbal constituent that holds a treasury of healthy nutrients that diligently replenish the body to ensure over wellness. Today, we will be discussing the best health benefits associated with Shilajit. But, let’s first know about it in detail. 

About Shilajit

Pure and original Shilajit is a resin-like substance that drizzles through the cracks in rocky Himalayan Mountains. The gummy exudate is a rich source of fulvic acid, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals that the human body requires to thrive. The black-grey tar is made by the decomposition of plant matter stuck between the tectonic shifts. In Ayurveda, Shilajit holds a special place for its medicinal value and most naturopaths tout it as a perfect remedy for sexual disorders. Here’s a list of the advantages you can avail by incorporating the organic compound in your fitness regimes:

1. Sexual Wellness

Nowadays, many men (both old and young) experience trouble maintaining healthy libido, and suffer a range of sex problems such as low sperm count, poor semen quality, lack of physical stamina, etc. Shilajit makes a natural testosterone booster and diligently works to boost the levels of male hormone in the body and conditions the reproductive system. Besides, the herbal supplement dilates the blood vessels and improves blood circulation in the genitals, which leads to an improved libido and physical stamina for a better bedroom performance. 

2. Athletic Endurance

Besides its aphrodisiac properties, pure Shilajit is admired as an excellent rejuvenator for the body. It can be credited to the presence of vitamins and minerals that deeply nourishes the body cells and prepares them to bear daily wear and tear. Additionally, valuable compounds in organic resin energize the body and boost athletic endurance. 

3. Cognitive Health

Nowadays, several healthcare companies market Shilajit capsules as a sex enhancer; however, the supplement poses a profound positive impact on cognitive health as well. The fulvic acid in Shilajit reduces the production of tau protein, a chemical that is linked with serious psychotic disorders such as Alzheimer’s. Regular consumption of Shilajit helps boost brain functions and lowers the risk of brain fog, memory problems, and anxiety.

4. Healthy Heart

Cardiovascular diseases make one of the leading causes of most deaths across the globe. Therefore, most people (especially elderly) lookout for natural remedies to improve heart health. Shilajit comes packed with a range of vitamins and minerals that rejuvenate the heart and support its functioning. Besides, anti-inflammatory agents in shilajit reduce arterial inflammation and prevent plaque build-up in blood vessels, thus lower the risk of serious cardiovascular maladies such as heart attack, stroke or cardiac arrest. 

5. Youthful Skin

Shilajit makes a rich source of a variety of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants. While vitamins and minerals in the gummy resin nourish the skin from within, antioxidants in it fight free radicals and protect body cells from oxidative stress, thus promoting healthy and youthful skin. 

These are a few excellent benefits of using Shilajit every day. Whether you are looking for a remedy to ramp up your t-levels, improve immunity, or ensure overall health, pure and original Shilajit is all you need. 

Many men (both old and young) experience low libido due to a variety of factors and one of the common factors that contribute to sexual dysfunction in most men is stress. A lack of interest in physical intimacy can cause misunderstandings with your partner and may even take a toll on your married life. If you’re facing sexual troubles, certain herbal remedies such as Shilajit can aid boosting libido and win over your partner’s satisfaction in bed. Let’s know!

Pure and original Shilajit for men-

Shilajit, a Sanskrit word that translates to the ‘conqueror of mountains’ is a gummy exudate that drizzles through the cracks of rocky Himalayan mountains. The greyish-black tar is formed by gradual decomposition of the plant matter over time. Shilajit is revered in Ayurveda for its aphrodisiac properties and high nutritive value. This amazing supplement makes a rich source of fulvic acid, vitamins, amino acids, and minerals. Interestingly, organic resin contains more than 84 minerals that pose positive impacts on human health. So, here are a few ways Shilajit can benefit your sexual and general health-

#1. Improves Sexual Performance-

Higher stress and low testosterone are two common factors that may cause dipping libido and poor intimacy. Shilajit is revered in Ayurveda as an excellent Viagra and folk communities have been using this natural testosterone booster for improving sexual health in both men and women. This herbal remedy is highly effective in managing intimate troubles such as unhealthy libido, low sperm count, erectile dysfunction, and low physical stamina. Most naturopaths swear by Shilajit’s effectiveness in improving sexual health and recommend taking organic Shilajit in lukewarm milk or water at least an hour before indulging in sexual activity. Alternatively, you can add Shilajit capsules to your fitness regimes as a substitute for Shilajit powder.

#2. Reduces Stress-

Are you looking for remedies to help rule out your stress? Well, we have got you covered. Besides boosting testosterone, another prominent benefit of Shilajit is that it reduces cortisol production in the body and relaxes the mind. The stress-relieving properties of this herbal supplement not only support mental health but also ramp up your t-levels for enhanced sexual life. 

#3. Boosts Immunity-

As the season changes, it is not uncommon for many people to feel under the weather. It can be credited to their weak immunity. While most people look Shilajit as a powerful aphrodisiac, they must note that ayurvedic medicine boasts a profound impact on the human defense system as well. Thus, taking one or two Shilajit capsules in a day makes an ideal way to strengthen the body’s natural defenses.

#4. Promotes Younger Skin-

Ancient Indian scriptures tout Shilajit as a great rejuvenator and organic medicine has long been used to defy premature aging. The gummy resin contains carotenoids that exfoliate skin cells and make your skin look fresh. Hold, there’s some more! 

#5. Enhances Blood Iron-

Suffering iron deficiency? Don’t worry! Supplementing with Shilajit can help! It is because Shilajit makes a rich source of iron and essential nutrients that aid in maintaining healthy blood iron levels and prevent blood disorders such as anaemia.

These are a few ways pure and original Shilajit can benefit your overall health. If you’re facing troubles related to sexual health or general health, include Shilajit in your fitness regime and feel the difference.

Shilajit is one of the most revered ingredients in Ayurveda, the traditional medicinal system and its health benefits are many. It is a greyish-black, tar-like substance that is produced by the decomposition of the plant matter that gets stuck in between the rocks in the Himalayan Mountain to transform into a resin over time. Folk communities of India collect the natural resin drizzling through the cracks in the Himalayas and use it to treat sexual disorders and fertility problems in both men and women. However, it is not the sole benefit you can get by using this organic compound regularly. Let’s take a look at the best benefits of Shilajit for overall well-being.

#1. Rejuvenates body cells-

Do you often suffer fatigue and lethargy and looking for a natural remedy to keep such troubles at bay? Shilajit is famously known as the ‘destroyer of weakness’ and makes an excellent rejuvenator for the body. The active polyphenols and antioxidants in it fight off free radicals and protect the body cells from harmful oxidative stress. Besides, vitamins and minerals in the tar-like substance nourish body cells and provide them much-needed strength for fit and active living.

#2. Prevents viral infections-

Pure and original Shilajit is known for surprising medicinal values and the most surprising of all are its anti-viral benefits. It is found that Shilajit can fight off and kill many viruses, including the herpes virus.

#3. Strengthens bones-

In women, low levels of estrogen deficiency during menopause lead to calcium deficiency and weaker bones. Regular intake of Shilajit (in powder or capsules form) helps in the absorption of calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium into bones or muscle tissues. This, in turn, lowers the risk of bone fragility and fracture. Even in the case of bone fracture, Shilajit supports faster mineralization and bone healing. 

#4. Prevents certain types of cancer-

Shilajit has antitumor, anti-mutagenic, anti-inflammatory, immuno-modulator, and photo-protective properties. It is found to be effective in reducing the chances of certain types of cancers such as lung, liver, and colon cancer. Anti-cancerous properties of the Shilajit can be linked with its fulvic acid and humic acid content that prevents the growth and spread of cancer cells. 

#5. Boosts fertility-

The star benefit linked with Shilajit is its unique ability to enhance sexual health and fertility in both men and women. In the case of men, it helps prevent certain reproductive problems such as erectile dysfunction, low sperm count, and mobility, etc. Also, minerals, vitamins, polyphenols, and other valuable nutrients in this aphrodisiac rejuvenate cells and enables you to have satisfying love-making sessions. Apart from that, the natural ingredient helps treat female reproductive disorders such as vaginal dryness, premenopausal syndrome, hot flashes, and improve libido. Check out best Shilajit capsules that come brimming with authentic, best quality ingredients for improved sexual and overall health. 

These are a few ways Shilajit can benefit your overall health. If you are suffering sexual troubles and looking for natural remedies to combat such issues, try including Shilajit capsules in your routine and feel the difference. 

Pure and original Shilajit needs no introduction, at least for men who have been using it for years as a remedy to treat unstable sexual health. The Shilajit herb was already popular and prevalent long before one could show a willingness to know about it. This blessing of nature is endowed with everything that one seeks in the Ayurvedic remedy. It contains essential compounds in a bountiful amount that support body development and nourishes the health. Very bleak chances are that the body will fizzle out to perform optimally, be it for mental or physical health as long as you are using Shilajit capsules.

If the body is being given the regular intake of Shilajit, it will attain the supremacy like never before. The antioxidant properties encourage weight loss management programs as a result of continued consumption and help improve metabolic process. Most of the diseases develop from obesity that poses a threat to overall well-being. Aside from treating general health, it is astoundingly popular for sexual power. Men show a larger contribution in consuming the capsules blended with Shilajit extract but rarely the Shilajit extract is used in all brands.

Shilajit is the most sought-after ancient remedy that since retrospective times to now has holds the grip in the market as the potent supplement for quality health. Due to the medicinal properties, aphrodisiac, adaptogen, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and spermatogenic properties, it becomes the top-notch and much-in-demand health formula. The synergy of herbs and health specialists of nutrafirst makes it even more effective that people can count on without any hesitation.

Shilajit is black in color and more or less looks like tar-like biomass, the origin of which lies in the Himalayas. It predominantly is used for sexual health and curbs sexual disorders. The Himalayan region of India is the hub of pure Shilajit that increases the possibility of the existence of the remedy for many years to come. This natural and pure Shilajit has been used in Ayurveda for thousands of years and delivers ample health benefits. However, the use of original Shilajit for sexual wellness has shown exponential growth in previous years and continues to do the same. This is because it contains adaptogen and spermatogenic properties responsible to boost sexual health.

Nutrafirst initiated the step to make Shilajit more prolific for health by blending two ingredients. To make Shilajit capsules for sexual wellness more effective, the use of Shilajit extract and fulvic acid has been used. Nutrafirst has used top-quality ingredients which makes our best Shilajit capsules 100% natural and a guaranteed solution for sexual health.

You can flip through the health benefits it offers and experience the journey of wellness when you incorporate this goodness of nature in your daily life. See the potential benefits that Shilajit offers:

  1. Shilajit capsules act as a testosterone booster that keeps up the sexual power throughout the day while curbing the gloominess that occurs due to the nutritional gap.
  2. Keeps your blood pressure under control
  3. This source of antioxidants eliminates free radicals from the body and reduces the risk of cellular damage due to oxidation. Our body needs antioxidants to perform optimally and keep the cells healthy that impedes the formation of illnesses.
  4. It improves the fertility in men and increases the sperm count
  5. Do not let the bad cholesterol affect cardiovascular health
  6. Maintains electrolyte balance in the body
  7. Reduces the risk of iron deficiency and uproots the symptoms of anaemia that can cause physical weakness, anxiety, headache, and irregular heartbeat
  8. Beneficial for the health of the brain  and increases the thinking ability
  9. Burns the excess fat and improves the metabolic rate
  10. Keeps the respiratory health in good condition and combats cough, cold, and problems like asthma.
  11. Empowers sexual health by improving sexual stamina, strength, and vigor
  12. Vanishes gloominess and sluggishness. Supports higher sexual performance

Shilajit is one of those herbs that are brimming with all essential compounds required to keep up the good health. The antioxidant and other medicinal properties take the guarantee of high sexual power and take care of general health. If nothing else has worked then, you must choose Shilajit for bolstering sexual experience.

Shilajit capsules are a new buzzword in the arena of wellness. Since centuries, it has been used in Ayurveda as a remedy for a variety of health conditions and many fitness experts tout it as a treasure trove for all its amazing healing properties. Before we start discussing its advantages, let’s first know about it in detail.

What is Shilajit?

Shilajit is a blackish-grey, tar-like substance that is majorly found in the cracks of the Himalayan Mountains. It is formed by the decomposition of plants that get caught up in the tectonic shifts and make a highly condensed source of essential minerals and amino acids. It holds great importance in Ayurveda and has been used as a powerful aphrodisiac since ancient times. Indeed, it finds its mentioning as ‘the conqueror of mountains’ in the historical Indian scriptures as an ‘igniter of sex.’

shilajit capsules

Health benefits of Shilajit for men and women-

Although Shilajit capsules are primarily marketed as a natural viagra, it can benefit your health in more than one ways. Here we are listing some of its most amazing health advantages. Let’s start!

1. It makes wonderful aphrodisiac

Best Shilajit is commonly known as ‘the Indian sex tonic’ or ‘the destroyer of weakness’ for obvious reasons. This organic, gummy exudate contains more than 80 vital minerals that regulate the metabolic processes and strengthens urogenital system in the males. Besides, the essential micronutrients present in these organic capsules uplifts the level of testosterone naturally and help prevent the symptoms of erectile dysfunction, low sperm count, nocturnal emissions and premature ejaculation in men. Regular use of this ayurvedic medicine may improve the quality of semen and sperm count.

Apart from that, it helps reduce discomforting, premenopausal symptoms such as vaginal dryness, hot flashes and mood swings in older women. Additionally, it helps treat fertility issues in both men and women.

2. It improves inflammatory response-

Pure and original Shilajit makes a wonderful source of fulvic acid, which is known for its excellent anti-inflammatory properties. You should understand that inflammation is your body’s innate response to injuries, infections, and any attack by a foreign invader. However, chronic or excessive inflammation can be harmful to your body. Pure Shilajit comes enriched with anti-inflammatory agents that diligently fight against inflammation and reduces the risk of several inflammatory disorders such as irritable bowel disease, rheumatic arthritis and cardiac maladies.

3. It helps prevent anaemia-

Iron deficiency or Anemia is a common condition which is characterized by low RBC’s or erythrocytes due to the lack of iron. Shilajit, on the other hand, makes a rich source of iron that is required for the synthesis of haemoglobin in the blood. Hemoglobin is a protein that carries oxygen to the different body parts, thus Shilajit capsules make a natural remedy to combat anaemia.

4.  It boosts cognitive functions-

Apart from its use as an adaptogen, Shilajit is admired by healthcare experts for its mind-calming properties. Regular use of this herbal supplement may help reduce the symptoms of stress, depression and anxiety in both men and women.

5. It helps repair tissues and muscles-

The rejuvenating properties of Shilajit have been acknowledged by many researchers in the past. Indeed, this bone and muscle rejuvenator makes a perfect anabolic agent for athletes, defense personnels and sports persons. Some studies conclude that regular use of Shilajit capsules can help repair muscle damage and help you stay fit and active.

How to take Shilajit capsules?

Using Shilajit is super easy and convenient to use. To reap the best health benefits, take 1 Shilajit capsule twice daily with a glass of lukewarm water or milk.

Which is the best Shilajit brand in India?

Nutrafirst is one of the reputed brands in India that strives to provide its customers with premium-quality, authentic and safe Shilajit capsules to its customers at the best price. Buy best Shilajit capsules online in India at the best price and get free shipping at your doorways with COD facilities.

Shilajit is a sticky tar-like substance found in the rocks of the Himalayas, which has developed over the centuries by the slow decomposition of plants. It is an effective and safe supplement for your overall health and wellbeing. Shilajit shows several health benefits for men, but women can also get benefits of pure Shilajit in improving overall health. Pure and Original Shilajit contains a variety of healthy nutrients, vitamins, minerals, zinc, humic acid, fulvic acid, carboxylic acid, amino acid, organic traces, and antioxidants.

Sexual problems- Shilajit is known to have incredible health benefits for men who have been struggling with sexual problems like erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, low libido and low testosterone hormones. Erectile dysfunction is defined as a condition in which a man facing the difficulty in getting and maintaining a sufficient erection during intimacy due to poor blood supply towards male genitals. Shilajit works in managing erection problems by increasing blood flow towards male genitals and creates a harder erection in men by making satisfactory intimate nights.

Alzheimer’s problem- It is a brain disorder that causes problems with memory, thinking ability and behavior of individuals. Fulvic acid contributes to cognitive health by inhibiting tau protein accumulation and overcome inflammation by improving Alzheimer’s disease.

Shilajit Capsules

For healthy skin- Shilajit containing a high quantity of antioxidants and this helps to clean your system. With the regular usage of Shilajit you will be less prone to skin diseases, infections and it keeps your skin healthy and glowing. Women spend a lot of money on purchasing expensive skincare products to keep their skin beautiful. Instead of doing that, prefer Shilajit Capsule, which will make your skin healthy and glowing. Make your skin radiant and beautiful all the time with this natural supplement.

Prevent early Aging- Shilajit contains fulvic acid as a main active ingredient, which works well in the repairing of the cell damage. Due to cell damage within the body, people start to look older than their actual age. So, regular consumption of Shilajit prevents premature ageing process and helps you to look younger every day. It is also known to overcome inflammation within the body which makes you feel healthy and energetic.

Improve testosterone hormones- Testosterone hormone is the main male sexual hormone, which starts declining after the age of 30. Symptoms of low testosterone include hair loss, increased body weight, low sexual drive, and poor muscle mass. This health supplement helps in increasing testosterone hormones within the body and improves the sexual performance of men by boosting energy level, stamina, libido, and sexual desires.

There are numerous brands of Shilajit Capsules available in the Indian market. Before purchasing Shilajit supplements don’t make a decision based on the price but carefully check all the ingredients that are mentioned at the back of the label. Buy best Shilajit capsules online at the best price in India and get free shipping at your doorways.