Are you dealing with unhealthy hair due to excessive stress or hard-to-remove gel manicures shredding nails? Such troubles can leave you in embarrassment and discomfort. In such cases, it is not uncommon for you to get persuaded by certain TV commercials that endorse young beautiful models having thick, shiny hairs, beautiful nails, and flawless skin. However, the reality is far different. Most cosmetic products are a mishmash of ingredients that can even worsen the condition of your hair, skin, and nails. In contrast, certain natural ingredients such as biotin can help improve your aesthetics like anything else. It is because this organic compound rejuvenates your body from inside out and enables you to get voluminous & thicker hair, stronger nails, and flawless skin. Let’s take a glance at how this amazing compound can benefit your health-

What is Biotin, anyway?

Biotin, also known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H is a water-soluble vitamin found in a variety of foods such as beef liver, egg yolks, sunflower seeds, nuts, and veggies like avocado. The vitamin plays a crucial role in carrying out fat metabolism and energy production but that’s not why people are using it these days. Indeed, most men and women are using it to treat thinning hairs, peeling nails, and lifeless skin.

So why people are using biotin for hair, nails, and skin health?

The idea goes something like this: People deficient in biotin are more likely to have symptoms such as facial rashes, pink eye, and yes, thinning hair and brittle nails. Under these circumstances, upping your biotin intake can help you combat these troubles.

Biotin for hairs-

So, does biotin help achieve healthy hair? Well, the answer is- yes! It is because intake of a generous amount of Biotin can direct your body to boost the production of keratin, an infrastructural element in our hairs, nails, and skin. This added dose of keratin helps repair hair damage by filling the gaps in the strands, thus making them voluminous, thick, and smooth. Also, it penetrates deep into the scalp and strengthens the hair roots, thus stopping them from falling out. 

Biotin for skin-

Getting flawless, glowing, and clear skin like that we were born with is everyone’s top beauty goal. As we grow up, our skin comes in contact with a variety of harmful agents such as dust, pollutants, chemicals, and what not that make it age like anything. Biotin, on the other hand, makes a wonderful skin tonic as it helps maintain the skin’s natural pH and rejuvenates cells to promote clear, smooth, and shiny skin.

Biotin for nails-

Are you fond of getting French manicures regularly? While these beauty trends enhance your beauty looks, overdoing them can give rise to problems such as peeling nails, inflamed nail beds, or nail discoloration. Besides, deficiency of Biotin can be an addition to the contributors of nail-related problems. On the other hand, eating biotin-rich foods or Biotin capsules by trusted brands like Nutrafirst can help ward off such brittle and peeling nails.

How much biotin should I take every day?

The daily dosage of biotin requirement varies for each individual depending on age, body weight, and fitness. For adults, the generally accepted amount of Biotin ranges from 1,000 to 10,000 micrograms.

In modern times of environmental pollution, stress, and unhealthy lifestyle, most men and women are likely to experience hair-related problems such as hair fall, dandruff, hair thinning, at some point in time. You already know that healthy and fuller mane enhance the overall tone of your appearance and put a positive impression on anyone who sees you. On the other hand, damaged, thin and brittle hair appears unruly as well as can be extremely difficult to manage. In such scenarios, most people look upon expensive shampoos and conditioners as wonderful remedies to breathe life into their dull and unhealthy hair. But, you must understand that hair health starts from within, and supplementing the locks with essential micronutrients such as Biotin can be one of the best ways to reach beauty goals. Today, we are here to present you with important information on benefits of Biotin capsules for men and women

What is Biotin?

Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin that comes from the family of B vitamins. This organic compound is responsible for carrying out vital processes in the body such as fat metabolism, energy production, weight management, and many others. Also known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H, it is highly revered by the beauty experts for its impressive abilities to improve hair health. In general, we obtain the required dose of biotin through the food you eat every day; however, a few of us may suffer its deficiency due to their body’s inability to absorb essential nutrients. In such cases, taking a generous amount of biotin capsules can make a wonderful way to your beauty goals.

 Biotin and hair health-

While we talk about hair loss and hair fall, the first question that strikes us is what causes such issues. Well, some common factors that can be credited to these problems are vitamin deficiencies, stress, heat treatments, and many others. In such cases, most people strive to find out the best natural remedies to ensure hair wellness. As per studies, biotin is extremely beneficial when it comes to strengthening the hair follicles and adding bulk to the hair strands. It is because; this bioactive compound plays a crucial role in giving keratin production a boost. It is the kind of protein that makes the infrastructural component of hair, skin, and nails. These organic, biotin capsules by a nutraceutical company biotin come brimming with a range of essential micronutrients that strengthen the hair roots from within and stops them from falling out. Indeed, this ayurvedic medicine is highly beneficial for all those men and women experiencing hair fall, and thinning hairs due to a deficiency of B vitamin. Apart from providing toughness to the roots, biotin helps lock in the moisture in the strands and imparts a glossy sheen to the strands, thus making them appear attractive and healthy.  

Generally, biotin deficiencies are uncommon and most men and women often experience baldness due to high levels of DHT, a kind of androgen in the body. However, people dealing with ongoing medical conditions such as cancer are at a greater risk of experiencing biotin deficiency and are often prescribed to take an additional dose of biotin. 

What are the symptoms of Biotin deficiency?

Biotin deficiency is often characterized by the following symptoms-

  • Thinning hair or loss of body hair
  • Skin infections, including eczema
  • Brittle, splitting nails
  • Neurological maladies such as depression, lethargy, hallucinations, and numbness 
  • Lack of coordination
  • Weak muscles and slow body growth in infants

How to use biotin capsules?

To achieve long, thick, and healthy hair fast, you are recommended to take 1 capsule of Biotin, twice daily with a glass of lukewarm water or as directed by a healthcare professional. 

Where can I buy best biotin capsules in India?

You can buy 100% pure, safe, and effective best biotin capsules at the best price online @ Nutrafirst and get free home delivery services.

Long, thick and shiny hair forms a major beauty asset everyone wants to achieve. After all, it enhances your overall looks as well as boosts your self-confidence as well.  Unfortunately; many men and women today suffer from thinning and lifeless hair. Since vitamin deficiencies form one of the common causes of hair problems, it is obvious for people to strive hard to find the best hair growth vitamin and this is where the need for vitamin supplements such as biotin tablets comes into the picture. Biotin makes a powerful hair rejuvenator and plays a crucial role in enhancing the overall health of hair. Today, we are here with a piece of interesting information best health benefits of biotin but before we start rolling the list, let’s first know about it in details.

What is Biotin?

Biotin is a water-soluble, B vitamin that is known for playing a crucial role in regulating necessary metabolic processes in the body. It is also known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H. This micronutrient is responsible for carrying out numerous processes in the body and makes an inevitable ingredient of the B complex. It is an essential nutrient that our bodies can’t produce at their own and thus required to be taken either through the diet or supplement. Besides, the good bacteria in our bodies work for the production of this vitamin naturally. Some foods that contain a rich amount of biotin include cheese, avocado, salmon, yeast, mushrooms, egg yolk, sweet potato, and many others.

Biotin capsules vs. hair health–

Every day, your hair comes in contact with a variety of agents such as dust, pollution, harmful sun rays, and many others.  These components get stuck into the hair and may irritate the scalp. In such cases, biotin can come to your rescue and diligently work to curb a variety of hair related issues such as hair fall, hair thinning, and brittle hair. It is because; this hair growth vitamin makes an infrastructural component of hair, skin, and nails and promotes much-needed nutrition to the cells. While coming to hair care; this ayurvedic medicine boosts the production of keratin, a type of protein that makes an inevitable component of the hair strand and helps maintain its structure and elasticity. Besides, other amino acids, vitamins, and minerals in this organic supplement seep inside the scalp and provide the hair roots with much-needed nutrition, thus stopping them from falling out. Apart from that, the valuable constituents in these capsules help reverse the hair damage and improve the hair texture. As per some studies, people who use Biotin pills regularly are found to have smooth, shiny, long, and thicker hair naturally.

Who can take a Biotin supplement?

Generally, the biotin vitamin B7 supplement is recommended for most healthy men and women. It is highly beneficial for all those men and women dealing with a variety of hair problems such as hair thinning, unruly and dry hair. It makes a wonderful rejuvenator and is highly beneficial for all those who are looking for a natural remedy to combat annoying problems related to hair, nails, and skin. Although biotin is all-natural, yet some people may experience certain side-effects after taking the supplement. Therefore, it is advisable to seek medical advice before taking any health supplement.

How to use Biotin capsules?

To reap the best benefits of Biotin, you are required to take 1 capsule of biotin with a glass of lukewarm water.

Where can I buy the best biotin capsules in India?

You can buy best biotin capsules for men and women in India and get free shipping at your doorways with best COD facilities and discounts.

Biotin (vitamin B7) capsules are a health supplement that is admired by most beauty gurus for its amazing properties to revive hair, skin and nails. However; many health and nutrition experts claim that apart from enhancing physical aesthetics, these organic pills can benefit the overall health of a person. Today, we are to round up some impressive health benefits associated with best biotin tablets but before we start rolling out the list; let’s first know more about it.


Biotin or B7 is a water-soluble vitamin that falls under the category of B vitamins. Interestingly, it is also known as vitamin H. This micronutrient plays a vital role in carrying out several crucial processes in the body such as fat metabolism and converting food into energy. Our bodies cannot produce this essential compound by itself, and we get most of it through the food we eat. Since, it is a water-soluble nutrient, our kidneys excrete it through urine, and it needs to be replaced every day.

Health benefits of Biotin capsules-

1. Hair health-

Studies claim that prolonged use of natural biotin may help achieve long, thick and shiny hair. It is because; this organic compound helps the production of keratin, a protein that makes the main infrastructural component of our hair, skin and nails. Also, regular use of Biotin Tablets strengthens hair follicles, add bulk to the strands and improve texture.

2. Weight management-

Biotin is extremely important for carrying out fat metabolism in the body. Also, it supports an easy breakdown of carbohydrates. These all-natural pills enable you to lose surplus body fat and maintain a healthy weight.

3. Healthy skin-

This ayurvedic supplement is believed to revitalize the skin naturally. Its hydrating nature makes it highly beneficial for all those suffering from skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis, and fungal infections. Also, it helps make your skin soft and glowing.

4. Stronger nails-

Peeling nails can be a sign of biotin deficiency. While this supplement is believed to curb the problem of brittle nails, it can boost the growth of the nails as well. Researchers conclude that cancer patients receiving chemotherapy are at a greater risk of experiencing chipping nails, and a healthcare practitioner may prescribe them with a required dose of biotin.

5. Prevent birth defects-

Pregnant women must have healthy biotin levels as a deficiency may cause birth defects in the offspring. The health of the baby can be improved by supplementing the mother with a required dose of biotin and folic acid.

6. Muscle repair-

Biotin is believed to help improve the growth and maintenance of body tissues and cells. Also, it provides the key nutrients that are required to repair tissues and muscles from damage.

7. Regulates blood sugar-

Several studies claim that regular intake of best Biotin capsules helps regulate blood glucose by stimulating the release of insulin. However, people with diabetes are recommended to consult a healthcare professional before starting the supplement.

8. Helps cure multiple sclerosis-

As per the researchers, taking a high dose of Biotin supplements can help stabilize multiple sclerosis. Besides, many studies report the safety of its uses. Since it is a water-soluble vitamin, any excess of it gets excreted by the kidneys through urine.

These are a few impressive health benefits of Biotin capsules. If you too are looking for a natural remedy to boost overall health, buy best biotin capsules online and feel the difference.

Achieving long, thick and lustrous hair is a common beauty goal for most of us. After all, healthy tresses improve your outer appearance and impart a good impression. At present, many men and women are affected by a lot of hair-related problems such as hair fall, split ends, dry& brittle hair, dandruff and many others. In such scenarios, they tend to spend a fortune on a variety of hair products as a desperate effort to breathe life into their not-so-pampered hair. But, a little do they know that hair health starts from within and supplementing the locks with Biotin can be one of the best ways to reach beauty goals. Today, we will be reviewing how including biotin capsules in your beauty regimes can help you achieve healthy hairs naturally. Let’s start!

What is Biotin?

Biotin is one of the water-soluble B vitamins present in the human body. Also known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H, this organic compound plays a crucial role in numerous activities such as fat metabolism and many others. One of its most impressive benefits its ability to improve hair health. Generally, we get the required dose through the food we eat; however, a few of us may suffer its deficiency as well. In such cases, a health and nutrition expert may recommend you to take a biotin supplement.

A relation between biotin and hair health-

The causes for hair problems are many; vitamin deficiencies, stress, heat treatments and tight hairstyles are the some common ones. Now, you might be eager to know how effective are biotin supplements in curbing hair problems?  As per studies, biotin capsules are highly effective in preventing hair fall and thinning if it is occurring due to a deficiency of the B vitamin. Supplementing your locks with an additional dose strengthens the follicles and helps prevent the strands from falling out. Also, it boosts the production of keratin protein, which, in turn, adds bulk to the hairs and make them appear thick and healthy.

However; you must know that biotin deficiencies are rare and most men and women experience baldness due to high levels of DHT, a kind of androgen in the body, biotin is likely to show a little benefit to your hairs.

What are the symptoms of Biotin deficiency?

Some common signs of Biotin deficiency include-

  • Thinning hair or loss of body hair
  • Skin infections, including eczema
  • Brittle, splitting nails
  • Neurological maladies such as depression, lethargy, hallucinations, and numbness
  • Lack of coordination
  • Weak muscles and slow body growth in Infants


Like any other supplement, ensuring the right dose of biotin holds immense importance. Generally, adults are recommended to take 25-35 mcg of biotin daily, whereas, infants are prescribed an RDA of 5 mcg of biotin every day.

How to use biotin capsules?

To achieve long, thick and healthy hair fast, you are recommended to take 1 capsule of Biotin, twice daily with a glass of lukewarm water or as directed by a healthcare professional.

Biotin is an essential nutrient that makes a wonderful tool to reach health as well as beauty goals naturally. Commonly known by the names such as vitamin B7 or vitamin H, this organic compound from the family of B vitamins plays a crucial role in fat and carbohydrate metabolism in the body. Apart from all the good things it can do to your metabolism, many beauty gurus swear by its efficacy to benefit your skin, hairs and nails. Today, we will be reviewing the best benefits associated with this essential nutrient. Read on!

biotin capsules

Biotin vs. biotin supplement-

Biotin is a naturally occurring compound that aids in several metabolic processes taking place in the body; unfortunately, our bodies can prepare it at their own. However, we get most of the required amount of this nutrient through the food we eat. Also, a small amount of this vitamin is synthesized by the good bacterias present in the gut. Although biotin deficiencies are rare, many men and women on the go may miss out on this vitamin, which, in turn, can lead to several health issues. For this reason, many companies are coming up with the biotin supplement in the form of capsules. These natural pills from an easier alternative to curb nutritional deficiencies and also, supports a healthy life.

Health benefits of Biotin capsules

The most impressive health benefits of biotin capsules as follows

1. Healthy hair-

Dull, frizzy and lifeless hair is not only difficult to manage but can indicate biotin deficiency as well. This natural yet active component of vitamin B complex is linked with a healthy production of keratin, a nutrient that forms the bulk of the hair strands. Some studies suggest that people who consumed Biotin capsules regularly are found to have smoother and healthier hair as compared to others. Also, this organic supplement strengthens the hair roots and reduce hair fall. If you are one of those experiencing dry, coarse and lifeless hairs, biotin capsules can take you one step closer to healthier, silky and lustrous hairs.

2. Support a healthy pregnancy-

Whether you’re carrying a little one in the womb or are growing up an infant, you require more Biotin than ever. Medical experts reveal that pregnant or lactating mothers are at a greater risk of depleting nutritional stores. In such situations, your midwife or gynaecologist may prescribe you biotin capsules to maintain a healthy pregnancy and wellbeing, post-delivery.

3. Cure brittle nails-

Brittle and peeling nails are not only unpleasant to look but can leave you in a great deal of discomfort. Some studies reveal that taking biotin Tablets regularly can strengthen the nails and make them smooth and shiny.

How to use-

Using Biotin capsules is super easy. To reap their best health benefits, you are required to take one capsule, twice a day. Also, note that people who are diagnosed with a biotin deficiency may be prescribed a higher dose by a medical practitioner.

Which is the best brand to buy in India?

While we recommend taking Biotin supplement for all good reasons, many people may not like this idea as most biotin pills contain animal-based ingredients. However, certain reputed brands like Nutrafirst strives to provide their customers with the premium-quality and plant-based biotin supplements. Also, these pills contain 100 % natural (botanical) and pure ingredients that make it one of the best health supplement.