Fish oil capsules as the name indicates originate from the tissues of various fish types. Add it to your regular diet plan or use it as a dietary supplement to consume Omega-3 fatty acids. You might be thinking, why should I eat these capsules? That’s because our body cannot create Omega-3 fatty acids and its production depends on external sources. According to various researches, EPA a type of Omega 3 fatty acid helps the body control inflammation by synthesizing chemicals involved in blood clotting. Besides, there are many more advantages of fish oil-based Omega 3 capsules. We have enlisted the top 7 ways fish oil capsules can benefit our health:

Prevent the Risk of Heart Diseases- Omega-3 stabilizes the negative effect of Omega-6 fatty acids from food products such as poultry, cereals, and eggs. The latter is known to cause heart diseases by promoting clot formation. Here, consuming the best fish oil capsules provides a sufficient amount of Omega-3 to control the clotting and manage the fatty acid imbalance.

Control Anxiety & Depression– Levels of Omega 3 decline in the bloodstream of people suffering from anxiety and depression. Thus, increasing the intake of Omega-3 fatty acids helps get through such problems without extensive discomfort. Besides, Omega-3 fatty acids also improve the efficacy of anti-depressants that are given to people dealing with depression.

Control Asthma– Airways of asthma patients stay inflamed and narrow. This causes difficulty in breathing and also triggers wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath. This problem can be short-term for some, while others have to face severe conditions like a dangerous asthma attack. Omega 3 works wonders for the asthamese, reducing their possibilities of getting an asthma attack. That’s why experts recommend the best Omega 3 capsules to asthma patients or a diet rich in those fatty acids.

Fish Oil Capsules are Suitable for ADHD– Short attention spans and concentration difficulties are common among kids suffering from ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Omega 3 capsules might not treat ADHD, however, they help by promoting brain development and functioning.

Control Arthritis Pain– Rheumatoid arthritis is a painful medical problem, and the best salmon fish capsules can help here too. A fish oil-rich diet can help control the pain and stiffness and improve anti-inflammatory drugs’ effectiveness.

Beneficial for Hair– With their anti-inflammatory properties, fish oil capsules help improving hair growth by opening up the follicles. While their regular consumption reduces hair loss, being a healthy fat, Omega 3 also prevents the scalp from going dry and flaky.

Fish Oil Capsules Improve Vision– While age-related vision degeneration is natural, adding this essential fatty acid to your diet can prevent that. Fish oil capsules improve eye vision by strengthening the eyes’ small blood vessels and making them healthier. Particularly for those suffering from dry eye situations, consuming fish oil supplement is the right choice.

Thus, in today’s time of stressful living and fast-paced lifestyle, a healthy diet plan becomes more than essential. And that’s incomplete without these essential Omega 3 fatty acids that the body doesn’t produce naturally. Nutrafirst brings the best salmon fish oil capsules loaded with both DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) and EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid). Adding these to your diet supports heart health, strengthens bones, improves vision, and enhances inflammatory response and cognitive health. Get your dose of this essential health supplement today!

Most of us nowadays remain deprived of essential micronutrients such as Omega-3 fatty acids in our diets because of unhealthy diet and lifestyle factors. Such nutritional deficiencies can lead to a variety of maladies and comorbidities. In such situations, salmon fish oil capsules can help them fulfill such nutritional deficiencies. This ayurvedic supplement comes fortified with the power of the finest quality and healthy salmon fish oil, which is revered for its DHA and EPA content. Besides, it is suitable for use by both men and women. Let’s take a glance at the best benefits of Salmon fish oil capsules.

What is Salmon fish oil?

Salmon fish oil is golden-yellow colored, organic oil that is derived from the fatty fishes of the same name, Salmon. These aquatic animals reside in freshwater bodies and are revered for their amazing nutritional profile. This natural elixir makes a rich source of wonderful components such as Omega-3 fatty acids such as DHA and EPA. The WHO recommends consuming 2-3 portions of fatty fish once in a week to fulfill the body’s Omega-3 requirement. However, most people find it difficult to invest a lot of time in cooking salmon fish and instead prefer taking salmon fish oil capsules as an easier alternative to ensure complete nutrition. Interestingly, each capsule of salmon fish oil contains 30% of Omega-3 fatty acids and the remaining 70 percent is made of other valuable constituents such as vitamins and minerals.

Health benefits of Salmon fish oil-

When we begin to count on the health benefits of Salmon fish oil, the list can be extremely long. So, we decided to list the three most impressive advantages associated with this pure salmon fish oil pills. Let’s start!

1. Joint and muscle health-

Stiff muscles and joint aches are something that was earlier accountable to old age, but nowadays, even young people, sportspersons, and athletes are affected by such conditions. Some obvious causes of such issues are chronic inflammation or injuries. Apart from that, auto-immune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis form another factor that often gives rise to stiffness, pain, and weaker bones. Salmon fish oil capsules by Nutrafirst come brimming with valuable, anti-inflammatory agents that bring down the extent of the inflammation and relax muscles. Also, it helps maintain healthy bone mineral density and provides them with the strength to deal with injuries and pressure.

2. Eye health-

Some common repercussions of growing old are blurry vision and macular degeneration.  You must know that Docosahexaenoic acid or DHA makes a major portion of the retina in the eyes. During old age, the amount of DHA in your body gets depleted, which, in turn, leads to the weaker retina or macular degeneration. These organic fish oil capsules come to make a rich source of DHA and help keep your eyes in good health.

3. Boosts brain health-

Have you ever noticed that most malted health drinks and protein shakes advertised today come enriched with DHA? It is for some reason. It is no surprise that Omega -3 fatty acids form a crucial element for regulating brain functions and ensuring cognitive health. Interestingly, DHA, a type of omega-3 fats makes around 40 percent of your brain and 60 percent of the retina. Therefore, regular use of the Salmon fish oil capsule makes a wonderful tool to bring your cognitive health on track even during later stages of life. This valuable constituent helps prevent mental decline and psychotic disorders such as Alzheimer’s or bipolar disorder.

How to use Salmon fish oil capsules?

For best results, you should consume 1 Salmon fish oil capsule with a glass of water after a meal. Also, the capsule should be swallowed as a whole and should not be chewed or crushed.

Where can I buy best Salmon fish oil capsules in India?

You can buy best Salmon fish oil capsules online at the best price @ Nutrafirst and get free home delivery services with cash on delivery.

When we talk about fulfilling nutritional gaps, dietary supplements make the first thing that strikes the mind. At present, many of us are affected by a variety of deficiencies; Omega-3 is one of the most common ones. Also, it may be difficult for you to keep a check on the diet for all crucial nutrients amidst this busy schedule. In such conditions, you may want to find the best yet easy ways to ensure a recommended intake of essential micronutrients; using Salmon fish oil capsules is one of them. Today, we will be reviewing how this organic compound can benefit your overall health. Let’s start!

Salmon fish oil (Omega 3) Capsules: An introduction

Salmon fish oil is an organic dietary supplement that is obtained by the tissues of fatty fishes. Some other sources include tuna, sardines and mackerel. This natural oil is most admired by the fitness experts for its high Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) content. These kinds of omega-3 fatty acids Capsules play a crucial role in regulating vital processes in the body. Here are some of its most important health benefits-

1. Improved eye health-

Who would like to have a blurry vision and other eye-related problems? Unfortunately, these come as an unwanted feature of old age and nutritional deficiencies. However; it is no surprise that DHA forms an inevitable part of the retina of the eyes. Hence, taking Omega-3 fatty acid capsules make a wonderful way to add a generous amount of DHA, which, in turn, improves vision and help prevent macular degeneration.

2. Enhanced brain functions-

Have you ever wondered why most malt drinks are advertised as with added DHA? Well, it is because of its amazing properties to boost the development of the brain in the fetus as well as delaying age-related mental decline. Pure Salmon fish oil makes a natural source of DHA that help improve memory power, aids prevent psychotic disorders such as Alzheimer’s and help improve the symptoms of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children.

3. Relieves migraine headaches-

If you ever had a migraine, you already know how painful the situation can become. As per recent researches, Omega-3 fatty acids or the polyunsaturated fatty acids present in this natural elixir can help improve the symptoms. These organic compounds boast anti-inflammatory properties that diligently remove swelling in the brain and help reduce tormenting pain.

4. Glowing and radiant skin-

Looking for natural remedies to get glowing skin? These all-natural pills come fortified with amino acids, minerals and vitamins such as Vitamin A and E that are proven to nourish the cells from within and aids in skin rejuvenation. Also, these nutrients provide the much-needed moisture to the skin, delays premature ageing and make it soft, supple and smooth.

5. Help maintain a healthy pregnancy-

A deficiency of Omega-3 acids during pregnancy may result in abnormal growth of the fetus and birth defects. As per some clinical trials, women were supplemented with Omega-3 fatty acid capsules during pregnancy gave birth to babies with better cognitive behaviour and eye-hand movement.

How to choose the best brand online in India?

At present, online shopping portals and the shelves of pharmacy stores are stacked with Salmon fish oil supplements by different brands. But, many of them may contain synthetic fillers, traces of heavy metals or other impurities. Therefore, you need to check the label for certification by regulatory authorities. Also, certain organic brands such as Nutrafirst offer its customers with 100 % natural, safe and effective fish oil (Omega 3) supplements. To order, CLICK HERE.

Reviewing The Best Health Benefits Of Salmon Fish Oil Capsules

In recent times of helter-skelter and hectic work schedules, we often miss out on nutrients that play a crucial role in maintaining the overall health. Omega-3 deficiency is something which has affected almost each of us. As people are becoming health conscious, they often consider dietary supplements as a quick and convenient way to fill the nutritional gaps. Salmon fish oil capsules form one such supplement that has gained tremendous popularity for all good reasons. Before we start to roll out the list of associated health benefits, let’s know about it in detail.

What are Salmon fish oil capsules?

Fish oil capsules form one of the most sought-after dietary supplements available in the market. It contains the oil derived from the tissues of Salmon fish, which is considered to be a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids such as Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) and Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). These nutrients cannot be synthesized by our bodies and can only be taken through the food we eat. The WHO recommends eating 1-2 portions of fatty fish, every week to fulfil the nutritional deficiencies.  At present, men and women on the go consider taking Salmon fish oil capsules as a quick fix to curb these deficiencies.

What are the health benefits of Salmon fish oil capsules?

When we talk about the advantages of taking Omega-3 fatty acid capsules, the list can be really long.  However, we’re here with some of their most-impressive health benefits-

Healthy muscles and joints-

Stiff muscles, weaker joints and auto-immune diseases come as a signature of growing age, unhealthy lifestyle and other factors. Salmon fish oil comes power-packed with anti-inflammatory agents that reduces the inflammation in muscles and relaxes them. It is highly beneficial for people suffering from auto-immune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and gout. The fatty acids present in the supplement ensure a healthy bone density and protects the bone from injuries.

Improved cognitive health-

The salmon fish oil capsules contain a high concentration of Omega-3 fatty acids such as DHA and EPA. These nutrients are linked with better cognitive behaviour in children. Studies revealed that salmon fish oil can also prevent the onset of mental decline. Besides, these capsules lower the chance of psychotic disorders such as Alzheimer’s and bi-polar disorders in the elderly.

Promotes eye health-

 Just like our brain requires Omega-3 fatty acids, our eyes too rely on them. According to some medical journals, people deficient in Omega-3 fatty acids are at a greater risk of macular degeneration and vision-related problems. Besides, it may help maintain the moisture and prevents dry eyes.

Help support pregnancy-

Omega-3 fatty acids play a crucial role in early growth and development. Therefore, maintaining a healthy level of fatty acids is extremely important for pregnant and lactating women. As per the clinical trials, women who took salmon fish oil capsules are found to give birth to infants with better hand-eye movements as compared to others. Also, taking fish oil capsules during pregnancy can support visual development and lowers the risk of allergies in infants.

Promotes healthy skin-

Skin is the largest organ of the body, and we all require Omega-3 fatty acids to keep it healthy and young. People who take Salmon fish oil capsules are at a lower risk of skin-related problems such as Psoriasis and Dermatitis.

Who can take Salmon fish oil capsules?

Fish oil supplements are considered safe for most men and women. However, like any other supplement, it can cause certain discomforting symptoms such as skin rash, nausea, loose stool, allergies in a few cases. We recommend you to consult a healthcare provider before starting any health supplement, especially if you are-

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Allergic to fish or other ingredients
  • Receiving treatment for an illness

How to use fish oil capsules?

Salmon fish oil capsules are super-easy and convenient to use. To reap their best benefits, you are required to take one capsule every day, preferably with meals or as directed by a physician.