Battling the weighing scales is every fitness freaks’ favourite game. However, reaching the dream body weight can be a challenge. Many men and women suffer overweight issues due to a sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet, low levels of physical activity, and many others. Those extra pockets of fats not only leave them in social embarrassment but also lead to a variety of health issues. Therefore, most people often look out for natural ways to help them lose weight. Though eating right and working out regularly make the best aids to get back in shape, people nowadays find sparing a few extra hours for workouts difficult and often look out for alternative remedies to drop a size. And this is where herbal weight loss supplements come into the picture. Here we’re listing three ayurvedic fat-burners that can help you reach a chiselled physique quickly.

#1. Garcinia Cambogia Capsules

Garcinia Cambogia capsules make one of the widely marketed fat-burner of recent times. Garcinia, also known as Malabar Tamarind is a fleshy fruit native to tropical regions of Southern India and other Asian countries. Traditionally used as a flavoring agent for curries, Garcinia extract is now being used as a potent fat burner. All thanks to the high concentration of Hydroxy-citric acid (HCA) in the rind of the fruit. The organic compound is said to block the activity of citrate lyase, a fat-accumulating enzyme in the body, and enables you to ward off stress eating by uplifting the levels of the brain chemical, Serotonin. Besides, soluble fibers in Garcinia Cambogia capsules render a feeling of satiety and help limit calorie intake, thus resulting in weight loss.

# 2. Keto Advanced Weight loss Capsules

Keto diet is a buzzword in the fitness industry and has gained tremendous popularity for the excellent weight loss results it delivers. The low-carb, high-fat diet pushes your body into ketosis for quick fat-burn results. However, most people find sticking to the conventional diet plan difficult and may either manipulate the food plan or even stop doing a Keto diet. To rule out such issues, many nutraceutical companies have launched Keto advanced weight loss capsules that come fortified with extracts of ketogenic foods or herbs that are keto-friendly. These pills work similarly as traditional ketogenic diet does and set your body into ketosis for maximum weight loss results. 

#3. Green Coffee Capsules

Cheer up, coffee lovers! Here’s an interesting fact that your favourite beverage if consumed the right way can help you slim down. Yes, it’s true! Green coffee or unroasted coffee comes packed with chlorogenic acid that regulates metabolic processes in the body and instigates weight loss. Besides, caffeine in green coffee energizes your body and enables you to perform better during workouts, thus helps lose excess weight. Nowadays, you can find several brands coming up with green coffee supplements in the form of whole beans, powder, infusion bags, and capsules. However, most people pick green coffee capsules due to their easy use.

These are three herbal supplements that can help you lose a few extra pounds naturally and healthily. If you are looking for natural fat-burners, incorporate any of these supplements in your fitness regime and feel the difference. 

Garcinia Cambogia is a dietary supplement that has got tremendous popularity across the globe as one of the most potent tools to lose a few extra pounds. This greenish-yellow, pumpkin-shaped fruit is widely grown across southwestern coasts of India and other Asian countries. Nowadays, Garcinia Cambogia extract capsules are market as a weight-loss supplement, and many fitness trainers recommend taking this fat-burner to all those who wish to lose a few extra pounds naturally. Here we are with some interesting information on the best health benefits this herbal supplement can offer you.

What is Garcinia Cambogia?

Garcinia Cambogia is a tropical, fleshy fruit that is native to the coastal regions of south-west India. In outer appearance, this greenish-yellow fruit resembles a cross between a pumpkin and a tomato. Traditionally, the sun-dried or smoked pulp of the fruit was used to add sourness to authentic Indian curries and chutneys. In the later years, researchers identified its medicinal; especially fat-burn properties and the pharmaceutical companies begun coming up with Garcinia Cambogia extract as natural fat burning supplements.

Garcinia Cambogia extract vs. weight loss-

While researchers and fitness experts tout Garcinia Cambogia as one of the powerful fat-burners, it is obvious for you to think what makes it so effective? Well, the answer to its fat-burning properties lies in its rind. Yes, it’s true! The peel of the fruit contains a high concentration of Hydroxycitric acid that inhibits the activity of citrate lyase enzyme and diligently stops the conversion of carbohydrates into extra body fat. Besides, this ayurvedic medicine helps boost the level of brain chemical Serotonin and uplifts mood, which, in turn, enables you to curb unwanted hunger pangs even under stressful or emotional circumstances. Also, you must note that these pills provide you with the best results when combined with healthy eating habits and light exercises.

Other health benefits of Garcinia Cambogia-

Garcinia Cambogia capsules are primarily marketed as a weight loss supplement; however, it is not its sole benefit. Some other advantages of using pure Garcinia Cambogia extract are

  • Enhanced energy levels
  • Better digestion
  • Balanced blood glucose
  • Lower stress
  • Reduced inflammation

How to use Garcinia Cambogia pills?

Garcinia Cambogia pills can be used in an easy and hassle-free manner. To get the optimal health benefits, you are recommended to take 1 Garcinia Cambogia capsule, twice daily with a glass of lukewarm water. Also, ensure to take each of these capsules separately at a different time interval.

Who can use these fat-burn pills?

Generally, these organic capsules are considered safe for all those men and women suffering from obesity and overweight issues. However, it is best to consult a physician before starting the supplement, especially while pregnant, trying to conceive, taking medicines or allergic to any of the ingredients.

Which is the best brand to buy Garcinia Cambogia in India?

At present, many pharmaceutical companies are coming up with Garcinia Cambogia weight loss capsules. However, you should pick the pills manufactured by a certified company to avoid any potential side effects. Nutrafirst is one of the reputed brands that strive to provide its customers with the premium-quality and natural dietary supplements.