Color, smoothen, iron, or blow dry, you do a lot to style your hair. But what about nourishing them? Most men and women are hit by common hair problems such as hair fall, thinning hair, split ends, and many others. While for some people, these issues occur as a result of poor lifestyle and increasing stress levels, for others they happen as a result of environment, nutritional deficiencies, and health conditions. Though causes of hair related problems are many, oiling your hair with essential oils regularly makes the best solution to provide them with much-needed nourishment they need to grow strong. We have compiled a list of herbal oils you can include in your hair care routine to get healthy hair naturally. Let’s explore.

Bhringraj Hair Oil

Bhringraj, also known as the false daisy oil makes a wonderful tonic for thinning and greying hair. The herb comes power-packed with powerful nutrients such as iron, calcium, magnesium, vitamin D, and vitamin E that deeply nourish hair roots and prevent hair fall. Also, massaging the scalp with Bhringraj oil regularly improves blood circulation, activates hair follicles, and promotes growth.

Brahmi Hair Oil

Brahmi, also known as bacopa is a magical herb that comes fortified with alkaloids that are thought to activate hair growth proteins in the human body. Organic compounds in this herbal hair oil help retain the natural color of hair and prevent premature greying. Besides, active polyphenols in the herb lower stress and prevent hair fall.

Olive Oil

Olive is one of the most revered ingredients for cooking and medicine. All thanks to its nutritional profile. This oval fruit comes enriched with vital nutrients such as antioxidants, vitamins A, E, and minerals that hydrate & smoothen hair and stimulate hair growth. It is revered as one of the best potions to tame hair frizz and prevent hair from breakage. 

Neem Oil

Neem, scientifically known as Azadirachta indica holds folk medicinal value and holds a special place in Ayurveda. Neem is well-known for its antimicrobial action and massaging the scalp with Neem oil regularly helps ward off scalp infections, inflammation and promotehair growth. 

Coconut Oil

Coconut is full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are known to benefit hair growth as well as scalp health. While vitamins and minerals in the organic coconut oil help lock-in the moisture, antioxidants fight scalp inflammation and infections for better growth. Besides, the active compounds in the natural oil strengthen hair roots and prevent hair fall. 

These are a few organic hair oils that can make a star addition to your hair care regime while trying to improve hair health naturally. Besides, you can also check Nutrafirst Hair Regain Oil that makes an incredible concoction of powerful essential oils to provide you with long, thick, shiny, and strong hair naturally.

Are you tired of hitting the gym early morning to get a toned body? Then, green coffee is probably the best bet for you. Although you might have seen health and nutrition experts having long debates over green coffee’s effectiveness; most fitness gurus swear by its weight loss effects and other benefits for overall health. Through this piece of writing, we will be reviewing all those factors which make green coffee a popular brew and a great dietary supplement. Let’s begin! 

Green Coffee vs. Regular Coffee

Green coffee is the unroasted or unprocessed version of coffee beans that are derived from coffee cherries. The raw version of coffee beans is rich in healthy compounds such as chlorogenic acid that acts as a wonderful metabolic booster and brings overall health on track. On the other hand, roasted or brown coffee contains a relatively higher amount of caffeine and less chlorogenic acid which makes it less healthy as compared to unroasted, green coffee beans. Here are the key benefits you can reap by using green coffee in the form of whole beans, powder, or capsules.

  • Weight Management: Obesity and unhealthy weight gain are common troubles faced by most men and women across the globe. If you too have fallen prey to these annoying health conditions, you may have tried numerous remedies only to get no results. In such cases, green coffee can act as your savior and help you leap towards your desired weight. It is because green coffee capsules swing your metabolic processes into action. Also, the moderately caffeinated coffee elevates your energy levels, supports physical stamina for better workouts or day-to-day performance. 
  • Regulates Blood Glucose: Chlorogenic acid is one of the most powerful polyphenols found in some plants, green coffee being one of the rich sources. Polyphenols, the organic compounds with antioxidant properties not only fight free radicals in the body but boasts a profound impact on insulin sensitivity as well. Certain clinical trials have shown that people who consume green coffee regularly are found to have balanced blood glucose levels as compared to non-users. However, if you are diabetic or taking medications, you are required to seek medical advice before using green coffee beans in its pure form or supplement.
  • Cleanses the System: Green coffee is diuretic and makes a wonderful cleanser for the body. Powerful phytochemicals in raw coffee beans help remove extra salts, fats, and cholesterol from the body and regulate bowel movements for overall health as well. 
  • Defy Odds of Aging: The raw version of green coffee carries a rich amount of antioxidants that delays the signs of aging. Chlorogenic acid in green coffee prevents irritation, redness, fine lines, and wrinkles on the skin, thus making it youthful and healthy.
  • Improves Inflammatory Response: Inflammation is your body’s innate response to injuries, wounds, and infections. While little inflammation is beneficial, too much of it can backfire on your health. Green coffee helps maintaining a good inflammatory response and keeps your health well aligned.  

How to Use Green Coffee for Best Health Benefits?

You can use green coffee in several ways depending on which form you are using. You can make a brew, green coffee smoothie, or can even use green coffee capsules for hassle-free use. Check out Nutrafirst Green Coffee Capsules that feature green coffee bean extract with 50% Chlorogenic acid.

Obesity and weight gain are one of the most common health troubles faced by people across the globe. This has led to the emergence of crash diets and quick fixes for weight loss, which accompany various side-effects for the body. Keto diet or Keto diet pills to be precise are something that has become tremendously popular amongst the young weight watchers. However, a Keto diet plan has always straddled a debate between nutritionists and health experts for its effectiveness and safety. To ease out such confusion, we decided to go a whole nine yards to discover the truth hidden behind. Let’s explore!

About Ketogenic Diet

A traditional Ketogenic diet is a diet plan comprising foods that contain lesser carbs, moderate protein, and high amounts of healthy fats that set your body into the state of ketosis. Traditionally, this food plan was designed to treat epileptic children who did not respond well to anti-epileptic drugs. Upon regular consumption of Ketogenic diets, many children experienced weight loss as a side effect and in the later years, fitness experts hailed Ketogenic diet as a natural weight loss method.

Keto Diet Pills

Nowadays, you may find a variety of weight loss products in the market and Keto diet pills often tops the preference list of many fitness freaks. Since traditional Ketogenic diet involves a lot of complexities and restrictions, most people often look out to Keto diet pills which contain extracts of ketogenic foods. These pills make a convenient way to force enter your body into the state of ketosis for best fat loss results.

How does a Ketogenic Diet or Keto Diet Capsules help you Lose Fat?

While on Keto, the human body enters the metabolic state of ketosis, in which the levels of blood glucose drop significantly. In such scenarios, your body changes its fuel mechanism and starts the breakdown of extra body fat into ketones for energising vital organs and ensuring their proper functioning. These ketones are released into the blood stream and carried away to all body parts. Thereafter, these ketones are consumed by body cells and utilised for energy. Apart from that, most people lose weight on Keto because of:

  • Higher protein intake
  • Reduced appetite
  • Gluconeogenesis
  • Improved insulin sensitivity
  • Decreased fat storage

How to Use Keto Diet Pills for Weight Loss?

For optimal fat-burn and weight loss, take 1 Keto capsule twice daily (at least 30 min before meals) with a glass of lukewarm water.

Other Measures to Adopt when Following a Ketogenic Diet

  • Stay Physically Active: Add 30-40 minutes of physical exercise in your daily routine. This could be brisk walking, cycling, and going to a gym (following all precautions for COVID-19), practicing Yoga or more.
  • Eat Healthy: Add fiber-rich foods into your daily diet and reduce you sugar and carb intake. Completely avoid junk and processed food.
  • Take an 8-hour Sleep: A sound sleep goes a long way to align your body’s metabolic function. Sleeping for 8 hours at a stretch is the ideal time you give your body to stay active throughout the day.

Thus, this is how Ketogenic diet plays a significant role to support your weight loss goals. However, if you are looking to minimize your weight loss efforts, try Nutrafirst Keto Advanced Weight loss capsules and avid the extra hassle of consuming following strict diet procedures. Trusted by consumers across length and breadth of the country, it’s one of the most recommended and popular natural dietary supplements we have in our weight loss range.

Under-eye cream is divisive; while some people swear by its effectiveness to breathe life into delicate skin beneath the eyes, others see it as an unnecessary addition to their skincare routine. Now, the big question here is – Do you really need an under-eye cream even if you moisturize your under-eye skin with a regular moisturizer? The simple answer is – YES! Undoubtedly, the skin under your eyes is extremely sensitive and requires more nourishment to prevent damage that shows up in the form of dark circles, fine lines, wrinkles, puffiness, eye bags, etc. Most eye-creams (especially from the herbal ranges) come fortified with botanical extracts that are said to rejuvenate, repair, and prevent premature aging of under-eye skin. However, choosing the right one for you can be a daunting task. To ease out such confusion, we have decided to bring this piece of information on different kinds of eye-creams available for different concerns. Let’s start!

For Dryness– The under-eye skin is much thinner and delicate than the skin on rest of the face. It is more likely to dry out, especially if you are a dry-skinned beauty. If you notice your under-eye area is flaky, dry or looks sallow, it’s high time to pick a moisturizing under-eye cream. Look for an under-eye cream that comes enriched with hydrating substances such as hyaluronic acid, aloe vera, or lemongrass oil.

For Dark Circles– Dark circles and puffiness form the common under-eye concern for most men and women. Finding the perfect anti-dark circle cream is as difficult as removing the nasty pigmentation under the eyes. Hear us out! Herbal formulations such as Under-eye Cream that comes packed with natural skin lighteners such as olive oil, sandalwood, lemongrass, wheat germ oil, and aloe vera works best to promote clear and refreshed under-eyes. This under-eye cream not only lightens dark circles but also rejuvenates the delicate skin beneath your eyes. This amazing product is available at the best price online. To check out, click here. 

For Wrinkles & Fine Lines– Most of us don’t feel the need for an under-eye cream until the signs of aging become visible in the form of fine lines, wrinkles, and saggy skin. While the aging process can’t be reversed, it is best to start using an anti-wrinkle cream long before the fine lines and wrinkles become noticeable. Certain products such as Under-eye Cream and eye serum are appreciated by thousands of people for their potential to ward off under-eye problems such as dark circles, wrinkles, puffiness, and eye fatigue.

Besides, herbal under-eye creams are safe and superior to the regular moisturizers as they are:

  • Free from harmful chemicals and fragrances
  • Contain botanical extracts
  • Are extremely lightweight
  • Easy to use

Thus, these tips will help you choose the right under eye cream for yourself based on your skin type and any particular sign of skin deterioration that may occur in the under eye area.

Hi dazzling divas and handsome hunks out there! With festivities around, you may have done with shopping graceful attires and now looking for that perfect product that can make the skin so radiant that can hijack the eyes of anyone who sees you. Well, have you noticed charcoal peel-off mask making rounds on social media? They’re a new rave in the beauty industry and it is advocated as one of the best skin cleansing products in advertisements. But, are charcoal face mask worth trying? Do they live up to their claims? Let’s find out! 

About Charcoal Peel-off Mask

Charcoal peel-off mask contain activated carbon along with other ingredients for deep skin cleansing and reviving radiance. Initially, you may find these products overhyped, but there are ample reasons for their growing popularity. Charcoal (greyish-black ash made from coconut peats, olive, or wood) in its active form has high absorptive powers and was traditionally used to treat drug overdose in the field of medicine. At present, activated charcoal makes an active ingredient in a variety of beauty products that have been in demand for obvious reasons. Let’s understand the ways charcoal peel off makes a comprehensive solution to your beauty woes.

Skincare Benefits of Charcoal Peel-off Masks

  • Skin Cleansing: Activated charcoal is revered in the health industry for its super-absorptive properties. Charcoal peel-off face mask unclogs pores on the skin and diligently picks up impurities, dust, and grime that cause acne, blackheads, and whiteheads. Besides, it exfoliates a layer of dead cells on the skin and leaves it soft, smooth & glowing. 
  • Removes Tan: Many of us spend long hours outside and the scorching sun rays can cause tanning that camouflages your actual skin tone. Activated charcoal when paired with natural skin lighteners such as cucumber and mulberry extract work wonders when it comes to fading away tan and reviving radiance. 
  • Rejuvenates Skin: Nowadays, most charcoal face masks contain medical-grade botanical extracts such as pomegranate, cucumber, aloe, etc. Essential micronutrients in these botanical extracts seep into deeper layers of skin and rejuvenate skin cells, thus leaving it to appear youthful and radiant. Check out Nutrafirst charcoal peel-off face mask for clear, smooth, and healthy skin. 

Is a Charcoal Peel-off Face Pack Safe for all Skin Types?

Generally, charcoal face mask is considered safe for all skin types when used correctly. However, people with sensitive skin must opt for a rinse-off wash as peel-off masks may be difficult to remove and irritate the skin. 

These are a few advantages of adding charcoal peel-off face mask to your beauty rituals. So, get festive-ready with a charcoal face mask and shine like a star. Happy glowing!